this is why friends rule
One of my bestests sent me a rad link the other day. Do you ever think that your friends have friendtelepathy? Like they know the make up of your DNA or something? She usually can read my feelings like a script across mountain ranges, continents and crackly cell phone lines.
For the last hour I've been watching a live webcam from a watering hole at a game reserve in South Africa. It rocks. Even thought its all fuzzy and night visiony right now, one of my favourite trees, the acacia, is in the middle of most shots. So far I've watched two bush buck go drink from the hole or try to.
What's probably the best thing about this site is the soundtrack. If you've ever been or if you ever go to the bush in Southern Africa (or other parts of Africa for that matter) the crickets are like an orchestra and there's usually some sort of bird that calls through the night. The Nkhoro bird is the hornbill making the distinct calls throughout the live cast I think (or at least that's what the site says). If I drone out the traffic sounds of my little West End street and close my eyes, I can almost feel as though I'm sleeping in some thatched hut or canvas tent on safari....
Thanks friend. This is exactly what I needed this week to scratch my itchy feet.