Thursday, June 07, 2007

hella buses worth seeing my old friend

Vancouver Island + Mir + Mel = 42 hours. Visiting the indomintable Mel right now - friend of a gazillion years and at least as many laughs, good times and bad. I've been feeling fairly rubbery and "whathefuckamIdoing" since my Maui return. Mel always makes me feel strong and fun and has done so since we were about 12 years old. She lives near Courtenay with her uber talented boy Jamie and their cutie patootie daughter Molly. Jamie provided my Maui beach soundtrack for the duration of my trip with his "Somewhere Down in Royston" (SDIR) mix here.

It took a longer to get here today than it did to go to Maui. I started travelling at 12noon and arrived at 8:30 after an attempt at a standby flight with Harbour Air, a walk across downtown with my gypsy friend Sarah, two bus rides and one ferry trip. Courtenay is beautiful and near Fanny Bay. Who doesn't love Fanny Bay oysters? Has anyone ever had a Fanny experience with someone from down south. No, not that silly. I mean saying the word fanny in front of anyone from South Africa, Oz or NZ elicits an entirely different response than here in the great white north.

It's great to be on an island once again. I swear to god the stress and craziness of Vancouver sheds off my shoulders the minute I touch ground here.


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