Tuesday, April 18, 2006

hippies' spring eternal

Last weekend was full of fun visits from one of my favourite Garden City girls, Leah. She came down to 'study', eat long meals for passover and to get right out s-faced with the posse and crew. I hosted folks for biryani at my place and then we all took the bus downtown to see the Doers and Gregg McPherson. I felt like one of those rowdy groups of 19/20 year olds on the bus travelling to cheap beer night. Leah sat on Dylan's lap. I stumbled around in my boots and Elly took photos. Oh to be a drunken student again. I'm hoping that Leah finds time to write a guest column for the bus blog as she had some pretty interesting bus times while visiting Vancity. Some of these times were photographed too. Hold you breath people the pics are on the way...

But for now I'll share my quinessential hippie moment with you. I was taking the #6 Davie into the Westend today and suddenly there were hippies everywhere. Live the magnolia and cherry blossom petal that are lining the gutters, so too are the hippies for spring. Ahhhh. Being a former redneck, former hippie, now basically a bonafide yippie, I usually consider hippies with a mixed reaction of shock, repulsion, nostalgia and warmth. These feelings are usually bound by the degrees of smelliness, dreadiness and stonededness of said hippies. The ones on the bus today were neither smelly nor too dready. They were actually so sincere and sweet I wanted to hop into the Fox and drive straight to Nelson.

I was sitting right next to them on one of the bench seats in the back of the bus, while they sat facing forward on one of the deuce seats. She had quasi-dreads and that fat nylon yarny stuff that was en vogue to tie in little girls' hair in the early 80s. The purple and blue yarn was woven throughout here fairly clean, semi-loose dreads. As she talked about dandelions and the softness of the leaves right before they bloomed her boyfriend kept giving her these wispy little kisses. He looked some one of the half-goat, half-boys from Narnia or something. They were actually unbearably cute. If one needed hippies for, say, Madame Tussaud's wax mueseum, they would be perfect specimens to pose as eternal wax statues.

What I liked about them both was how they were obviously blissed out by spring. He asked her when her ferry was leaving (to some gulf island no doubt). She replied at 6:50pm. He asked, 'In an hour?'. She said yes and they casually talked about traffic and how they would get out there. NO STRESS. No snippy comments. Total relaxation. She then went on and on to gush about how Fritz's makes the best poutine in the world. If there is one hippie attitude I could have it would be that: timeliness, what timeliness? Who cares...


At 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can smell the patchouli. and i love it!


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