Monday, April 03, 2006


The little fox paid started paying herself off this weekend. She (underwent a sex change too) took me to North Van, Point Grey, my friend Eliane's birthday and the the Mac Grill while I worked. Having a car is bliss, somewhat. Except when I gas her up. It cost me$39.85 for about 36 litres plus a very guilty conscience. Has anyone seen Syriana? You'll know what I mean re: guilty conscience if you watched it. If you don't, go watch it. Lots of dodgy, corrupt men involved in the oil trade, never mind the environmental impacts of all that oil production. I'm going to do some research on the 'cleanest' gas I can buy, plus the most Canadian. I may as well suppport my cousins over in Alberta working the rigs. I think I'm going to buy some carbon credits off set my guilt.

Back on the bus this morning though. I've decided that I will use taking the bus as an excuse to exercise. What I consider exercise, that is. Sprinting the block and a half to the bus stop counts. So does walking the 8 blocks to Commercial and Broadway. But really, I've made a little pact with myself to walk the furthest possible each morning to work (ie. get off at Burrard or Granville Street skytrain stations or the furthest possible stop on W. Pender on the #7) and at night. First walking, then running. As in running in the morning. Soon, very soon, I'll join the legions of Vancouver runners. But for now I'll walk, thanks.

I had a loverly ride on the #7 this morning. I relish my time on that bus. There's not really a better way to start the day than digging your nose into a book for 20 minutes and looking up and you're two blocks from work. I'm reading the
Winter Issue of Granta. There are some amazing essays and short stories by some super duper African/Afriphile writers. My fave fave fave Nadine Gordimer's in the issue, as is journalist Lindsey Hilsum, Kwame Dawes and Moses Isegawa. If you can find it second hand I'd recommend buying it, even if you're not into Africa. Friends in Vancouver are available to borrow if they provide collatoral like their first born or something.


At 6:35 AM , Blogger Dawn and Fred plus one said...

Congrats on the new Tod in your life. And I think there's something about taking transit when you don't HAVE to (i.e. when you have a car option) that makes it more bearable...


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